Product Details
Product Details
Brooks Hyperion GTS 2 (D Standard) Mens - Illusion/Coral Black
Product Features
Product Features
Engineered Mesh
DNA FLASH V2 with GTS GuideRails
Pronation is a natural and important motion the foot makes to absorb the shock of hitting the ground. Some people have more movement than others. To much movement relative to the individual could result in the overloading of stabilizing tendons, ligaments and muscles around the ankle, knee or hip . Some shoes can work with your foot to slow down the movement, reduce the angle of the movement and help your body to move in a more controlled way.
Foot type
Lower Arch
Push off
Big toe and second toe do majority of the work.
How your foot contacts the ground
The foot lands on outside of heel, then rolls inward (pronates) excessively, transferring weight to inner edge instead of ball of the foot.