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Person - Community Project - Lead by Lynette

Community Project - Lead by Lynette


Hi, Lynette here.

I trust you have all enjoyed the lockdown sunshine; stopped to take a deep breath, enjoyed the birdsong, and said hello to many strangers while out and about like I have. 
I thought it would be nice to take the time to explain something I’ve been passionate about and have been doing for over four years with the wonderful support of the Front Runner team. 
I started up a small initiative of gathering up old running/sport shoes for Kids in Need. These are children from ten decile one schools, two High Schools and one Special School. 
A lot of these children don’t own a closed-in shoe for winter, have never had a sports shoe, or are wearing shoes two sizes too small!!  
It all began when I noticed I had five old pairs of running shoes sitting in the garage for gardening shoes. 
As you are all aware, our running shoes do have a lifespan for each individual. We then pop them aside and buy a new pair. 
Roll on four years and I have supplied these kids in need with over 2500 pairs of shoes, kindly gifted by our Front Runner community. 
I asked the Principal who facilities the giving of the shoes if she was “over“ me dropping them off to her. Her answer was ‘we can never have enough as we run out every time 
I wanted to continue to drive this wee project of mine so Oska and I are now looking at ways to expand this within our community.
So my big ask, while you’re still in your bubbles and have time to spring clean - grab those unwanted spare running/sport shoes (kids ones as well, as they are really needed) and drop them off in-store when we open back up. I’ll give them a clean and a sort, then drop them all off to the kids in need.
Believe me, a small gift of giving a pair of shoes makes you feel very humbled.
Take care and see you in-store soon 
Lynette xx


    Hi there I brought some football boots last season but found them to stiff after half a season and so brought new ones – would you be happy to add them to the collection – excellent condition Nike boots was planning to track down the Cadbury sports exchange that I have seen adds for but would love to know they found their way to someone in chch who would get some game time in them.


    This is great Lynette- hats off to you. I’ve dragged most of the life out of my shoes but once we are out of LKD I’ll bob in and let you be the judge of their 2nd life use. Stay safe Chris

    Chris Pike
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